This site is being developed at this time,however I have put a lot of information on here regarding what we do,where we do it etc. Please click on the pages at the top to see various stoves that have been installed.There are some pictures of recent installations,and some pictures of some horrors ! More information,pages and links will be added as time goes on.
Please scroll down where you will find my contact details. Please use them if you want to book a sweep,get a estimate for anything or just want an opinion or some advice. If you are thinking of having a Log burner installed or any fireplace work carried out a site visit is essential so that your requirements can be discussed and that you have the full details of what is required and possible.
I am a Member of HETAS Reg No 4153 & 16632 and also a member of the Guild of Master Craftsmen.To satisfy all Insurance companies and trade bodies I have £5M of Public Liability Insurance.Copies can be provided on request.
We work with a lot of reliable trades too and often some jobs can be tackled together for cost effectiveness.
Recent Installations of Log burners.
This is a Woodwarm Fireview 9kw Flat top Stove. Woodwarm is a very popular Brand and good value.This is fitted into a Inglenook fireplace that was originally a inefficient open fire.Stovax Sheraton after a refurbishment,new glass,rope,collar and given a respray.This is the Esse Ironheart The customer wanted a woodburner that she could cook on in addition to the Aga in their Kitchen. This ticked the boxes.This little stove is a great example of what will fit into a traditional Victorian insert. The insert was removed,the back cut off and with some alterations to the fireplace the stove was fitted with a liner.This one produces 4.9kw and is multi fuel.This is the original appearance before work started. The render has now been hacked off to reveal the original stone ,which to the delight of the client is in better condition than we expected.
Old render removed from back of fireplace.New slate hearth and shelf installed to create a log store under the stove.Slate facing. The carpet is being removed and the floor is to be tiled so no combustable materials are close to the stove.
First Fire to test for leaks and draw. Perfect.All that remains now is to fill the log store and get a coal scuttle and a companion set.
Aarrow Ecoburn5+ A very efficient little stove.
The FDC 5kw Defra approved stove. DEFRA approved stoves may be used in Smoke Control Areas. This stove can also be placed on a 12mm hearth.The 25mm slate shelf allowed the safe storage of logs underneath and made good use of a limited space.
Woodwarm Fireview 5kw Multifuel “Work in progress”Installed but not finished,Cosmetic work to complete.Woodwarm “Fireblaze” 6kw.
Class One 150mm Flexi Liner insulated with vermeculite. Picture shows top of the chimney before the pot,flaunching and cowl is fitted. The Insulation is recommended but not essential.
Good Quality Budget stove 11kw This is an Import but has been certified for Installation
Areas Covered.
North Devon,West Somerset, Exmoor, North Cornwall. (other areas considered, We have customers in London and Kent too !).
What we Do.
We sweep chimneys, Lined or unlined – All types from Open Fires to Logburners, Rayburns, Agas and Stanleys in all types of properties.
We Install Logburning and Multifuel Stoves. To do this a free no obligation visit can be arranged to discuss your needs and explain the benefits of having a stove fitted.Its important that a stove is installed safely and to Current Building Regulations ,so this will all be explained at the time.As a HETAS registered installer you will receive a certificate of compliance when the job is complete.This means that you dont have to inform the local council of the work being undertaken.
Chimney Repairs.
Broken pot,and flaunching. After strong winds the owner of the property noticed bits of broken pot by her back door.These could have easily hit her.Flaunching loose,pots loose and broken and bits of masonry falling into the garden.The working fires have no protection from bird entry either.
Top of the pot and the pot broken – someone has attempted a repair with some gutter sealant !
Top layers of loose bricks removed,re repointed.New pots fitted and cowls fitted to working chimneys.
When we inspect the top of your chimney stack we will always take photographs to show you anything that might be a problem not just with the chimney but with the roof,Tv ariel,gutter or anything else, that can be seen.You can then decide what to do,if anything. Many of our customers find this useful,after all how often do you actually look at the top of your property ?
We supply and fit Carbon Monoxide alarms,smoke alarms and Heat detectors (for Kitchens). With all installations it is the law that a Co Alarm is fitted within 3m but not closer than 1m to the appliance.
Its sensible to have one fitted near any Gas,Oil or solid fuel burning appliance that you have already fitted. Test them weekly and don’t buy the cheap ones that change colour when Co is detected….You may not be awake to check it.
Smoke Alarms should be fitted throughout the house and its a good idea to fit a Heat Detector in the Kitchen.
We Install and repair Log Burners and Multi Fuel stoves, replacing everything from Firebricks,Door Glass, and Seals to a full service and respray, if required.
Fitting Cowls and birdguards can solve many issues from poor performance,to downdraught and of course stop birds and pests from getting in your chimney. Please contact us for an estimate or further information.
Three examples of Chimney Cowls and a Venting cap.The venting cap is used on disused chimneys.Its designed to allow air into the chimney so it can “breathe” but not rain so dampness should be eliminated.
We also work with local builders who have years of experience in Chimney and Fireplace building or rebuilding, opening up dis used fireplaces,roof work and other skills so that a complete package can be offered.
Landlord Checks for Log and multifuel Burners. (This will be arranged through the letting agent)
Please call Chris on – 01271-855543. M. 07956-866593. orE mail – If you have any questions or want free advice.
HETAS registered installer and a member of the Guild of Master Craftsmen.
And now here are a few Horrors that We have come across…….!!
Blocked Chimney – No cowl fitted,full up with 5m high of twigs and birds nests !
Another house,another Chimney,but the same problem.A Gas liner installed on a woodburner. which has collapsed. Fumes were entering the room and the chimney had caught fire . Highly dangerous.Probably one of the worst ! All the wrong materials and nothing is fitted, a piece of garden twine ties the top to the gutter !
This liner was incorrectly fitted fell apart ,collapsed and blocked the chimney.
This liner was fitted incorrectly and just left sticking out the top of the chimney ! It was next to a Tv ariel and both were struck by lightening ! Customer advised not to use the stove or the chimney.A few gaps in this stack letting in the elements.
This customer told me that his chimney was “insulated”. He put this around the flue to stop the tar dripping onto the stove ! Needless to say I advised him to stop using the appliance and chimney.Tarred up chimney.This is a fire risk.The only solution is to line it.View from the top of the chimney.This cowl was totally blocked with tar caused by the burning of unseasoned wood. Wood should be dried for at least 18months and have a moisture content of less than 20%. The owner of this property was unaware of what caused this but she did have a Carbon Monoxide alarm that activated and alerted her to the problem.Another let property with a dangerous woodburner
I was asked to repair this stove by a Landlord,whose tenant had this and an electric fire as the only source of heating. The stove was non repairable but the stack and fireplace was worse. A complete rebuild would be needed. I hope she took the advice !This is a Gas Fire – A blocked Gas fire .Gas Fires should be serviced and only by a Gas Safe registered fitter.Sort of “Flue” outside.More Tarry Cowls, this time an electric one that was not being serviced.On this stack – now repaired, cold air was being sucked into the property through the brickwork this then drew smoke back down into the disused bedroom chimney from the working rear chimney. The walls also suffered from damp patches. Once the stack was repaired and rendered the problem was cured